【我是業配】真的可以買的LINE貼圖 – 卡妮娜Kanina



This is my original character named as “Kanina”. She is a girl that got some lop-ear rabbit gene, which caused her to have floppy ears and also a short cotton-like tail. She is from the country Iceland, which is why she enjoys sauna and hot springs. Overall, Kanina isn’t a picky girl, but due to her rabbit traits, she prefers vegetables than meat products.

Kanina herself is not that of a delicate type, which makes her sometimes clumsy, stubborn, and occasionally hasty.
Since she is is from Iceland, she is really not tolerant to hot weather, which makes her sluggish and lazy when weather is hot.

這是我的原創角色,名為「卡妮娜」。 她是一個擁有耳垂兔基因的女孩,使她賦予一雙鬆軟下垂的耳朵,還有一條短短的棉花尾巴。 由於她來自冰島,這使她非常喜歡桑拿和溫泉。 總體而言,卡妮娜不是一個挑剔的女孩,但由於她的兔子特質,比起肉類產品她比較喜歡蔬菜。



At the beginning, I created this character because I was practicing certain position and different types of clothing. After completing with the character, I really like her design so I keep on developing her.
I personally like animals, especially small animals such as rabbits. So that is why I decided to turn this character into a rabbit bunny. However, at that moment in order to make her distinctive from other anime style rabbit girls, I purposely want her ears to be where normal human ears will be. Nevertheless, I encountered a problem with drawing straight rabbit ears in that location, so that is the reason why I decided to turn her into a lop-ear rabbit girl.

Initially when I was exploring her personality and background, I already made up my mind to have her come from Europe. So, I started to search a word that somehow means “rabbit”. However, I noticed that a lot of European countries uses similar words for rabbit. At the end, I found that I really like the word “rabbit” of the Scandinavian countries. Finally, I chose “Kanina” because either the word of those countries doesn’t sound feminine enough, or that the word includes special alphabet that it will be hard to spell and pronounce the name in English and /or Chinese.

當初我創造這角色是因為我在練習不同姿勢和不同類型的服裝。完成這個練習圖後,我很滿意這個角色,所以我就繼續發展她。我個人喜歡動物,特別是像兔子這樣的小動物。 所以我決定把這個角色變成兔。 然而,在那個時候,為了讓她和其他動漫風格的兔子女生不一樣,我故意把兔子耳朵的位子擺在普通人的耳朵的位子。 不過,由於我在畫豎挺挺的兔子耳朵時候遇到了一些問題,所以這就是我決定把她變成一個垂耳兔女孩的原因。

當初我在探索她的個性和背景時,我已經決定讓她來自歐洲。 所以,我開始搜索一個意味著“兔子”的詞。 但是,我注意到很多歐洲國家對兔子使用類似的詞語。 最後,我發現我真的很喜歡斯堪的納維亞國家的“兔子”這個詞。 最後,我選擇了“Kanina”(兔子的冰島語),因為其他國家的詞念起來不夠女性向,或者其他國家的兔子這個詞包含特殊字母表,很難用英文和/或中文拼和發音。


The reason is because other than the top right one (the one that says hi), the other 4 are actually well-known memes in the western sites. One part of me is to bring some of those popular memes back so people can also enjoy it when using these stickers.

原因是因為除了說hi的那個之外,其他四個實際上是在西方網站上眾所周知的模因(梗)。 我製作這套貼紙的原因之一就是想把一些流行的模因帶回來,這樣使用者們可以體會到用外國模因的樂趣。


Right now, my future plan, as a part time digital artist that do this mainly for fun, is to create another set of stickers using the same character. I already received some feedback that as a sticker set, some of the stickers are still lacking. So, I might release a second set for that purpose.

作為一名主要為好玩的兼職數位插畫家,我接下來的計劃,是用同樣的角色創造另一套貼圖。 我已經收到一些回應,作為一套貼圖,還有一些貼圖仍然缺乏。 所以我可能會為此目的製造第二套。







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